Selling Dragon's Prophet NA Kronos LV80 Sorc full I'm...

Discussion in 'Dragon's Prophet Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dragon's Prophet Accounts - Buy and Sell, 1/6/14.

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  1. Dragon's Prophet Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Dragon's Prophet NA Kronos LV80 Sorc full I'm selling my account because i am changing to other game and i can't dedicate my time to 2 games. My account have a fully geared sorc full fero build with perfect skills and two mastery tree 1hand and 2 hand. All gears with 50+ mdmg shards some with 3 slots. My main and only needed level 64 dragon spec for high dps and full heals support with almost enough sacrifices to upgrade him to level 68. all you have to do with this account is login and play as long as you can because its complete, there is much more things i could add to the topic showing everything in the account but would take even more screenshots, i find a reasonable price something around 250$ on Paypal(verified) Willing to negotiate
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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