The original Duskwalker. 13K GS + Full campaign done (Dread ring) (with epic jewelery, using blue because it gives 1K more power atm) Lesser Soulforger/Plaguefire and Vorpal Full T2 Master Predator's set + Grand warden's T2 set. Archery DPS build. Critical + Power. 500K AD + many more freebies waiting for you in the inventory + items that are being sold on AH atm. Companions with lvl 5 runestones etc. PVP: Scoring from 10 to 25 kills all the time with 4-5 deaths. Ill add pictures from pvp later when i make then tonight. Selling this account because exams are comming and I don't have any more of my free time for this game. Offer me here or send me a PM.