WTS: CW LVL 60 GS 20+ Perfect Vorpal Ench. Lesser Soulforge Ench. Rank 7-8 Radiant, Azure ... 4 Legendary artifact (Chilling Eye of the Golden Dragon, Golden Dragon Talisman, Cloak of Black Ice + Owlbear Leather Belt of Intelligence) + 3 lvl 99 artifact (Shard of Valindra’Crown, Sigil of Cw, Sigil of GWF) + lvl 74 Water’s of El. 5 Greater Dragon Hoard Ench. Companion: Cat lvl 30 + Bonding Ench. + etc Profession: LVL 20 Leadership, Tailoring, Weaponsmithing, Lvl 16 Jewelcrafting Gold 200 GF LVL 60 GS 18+ Greater Plaguefire Ench. Lesser Barkshield Ench. Rank 6-7-8 Radiant, Azure ... 4 Epic artifact (Audacity of the Golden Dragon, Golden Dragon Shiled, Lathander’s Cloak and Belt (full Lathander’s set 3/3) + 3 (Sigil of GF lvl 71, Sigil of SW lvl 72, Sigil of TR lvl74) artifact Companion: Ioun stone of Allure lvl 25 + Lesser Bonding Ench. + etc Profession: LVL 20 Leadership, Jewelcrafting, Plate and Weaponsmithing Gold 64 GWF LVL 60 GS 17+ 3 Epic artifact (Golden dragon F., Golden dragon Sword Kn., Girdle of strength, 1 blue Cloak of Black ice)+ 3 ( Lanter of rev.: lvl 82, Sigil of tr.: lvl 80. Sigil of GWF lvl62) artifact Companion: Ioun stone of Allure lvl 25 + Lesser Bonding Ench. + etc Profession: LVL 20 Leadership, Alchemy, Plate and Weaponsmithing Gold 195 SW LVL 60 GS 19+ Greater Vorpal Ench. Soulforge Ench. Rank 6-7-8 (10) Radiant, Azure ... 3 Legendary artifact +1 Epic (Golden Dragon Arro., Golden Dragon Grimoir, Cloak of Black Ice + Epic Belt of Consti. + 3 (Sigil of GWF lvl74, Sigil of CW lvl75, Sigil of SW lvl76) artifact Companion: Ioun stone of Allure lvl 25 + Lesser Bonding Ench. + etc Profession: LVL 20 Artificing, Tailoring, Lvl 19 Leadership Gold 80 TR LVL 60 GS 16+ Greater Vorpal Ench. Lesser Soulforge Ench. Rank 6-7-8 Radiant, Azure ... 4 Epic artifact (Horn of Golden Dragon, Golden Dragon Stiletto, Cloak of Black Ice, Twined Belt of Dexterity) + 3 (Sigil of GWF lvl62, Sigil of Tr lvl 61, Sigil Of CW lvl71) artifact Companion: Ioun stone of Allure lvl 25 + Lesser Bonding Ench. + etc Profession: LVL 20 Leadership, Artificing, Leatherworking, Weaponsmithing Gold 131