Selling Navyfield Account for Sale - Arizona Server (US...

Discussion in 'Navyfield Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Navyfield Accounts - Buy and Sell, 12/4/13.

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  1. Navyfield Accounts - Buy and Sell

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Navyfield Account for Sale - Arizona Server (US predominant line) Hello, Much more detail will be offered on request, but here is the basic run-down. The account has the following BOs: lvl 120 US NC Line lvl 110 US Lexington Line lvl 50 IJN Kitakami Line BB Crew: 2 lvl 120 acc gunners 2 lvl 109 rld gunners 3 engies, 4 reps (all 115+) 1 restorer (lvl 120) CV Crew: 2 lvl 100 fighters 2 lvl 90 DBs 2 lvl 92 TBs Stats available on request, but I don't have anything worse then 10/10 if I remember correctly. Buy-it-now = $500 Otherwise, bidding starts at $350.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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