Selling Greetings, I have put almost 900 hours into...

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy and Sell, 1/7/14.

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  1. Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Greetings, I have put almost 900 hours into PlanetSide2 (not including the Beta) and now I would like to move on. I put a lot of effort and money into this account and would hate to have it go to waste. Here are some of the details of my account: General: •I put 80 Euros into this account •Male NC character a few steps away from BR81 •K/D ratio of >2 •1x 1-Hour Resource boost •1x 7-DAY XP boost •1x 7-DAY Resource boost •>2500 Certs spare •Some leftover SC Infantry camos: (all are infinite use) •African forest •Circuit board camo •Desert scrub V2 •Loyal soldier camo •Rocky tundra •Urban forest Weapon camos: •Africa forest •Circuit board camo •Sesert scrub V2 •Loyal soldier camo •Rocky tundra •Urban forest Infantry Decals: •Ranks... •Beta •MLG Decal •Immortal legion Special infantry armors: •Engineer - Composite armor •Engineer - Composite helmet •MAX - Composite armor •MAX - Skull helmet Infantry arsenal: (non-default) •ALL - Blitz GD-10 (SMG) •ALL - NS-357 Underboss (Pistol) •ALL - Restoration kit (Healing) •Infiltrator - EM4 Longshot (Sniper rifle) •Infiltrator - Bouncing Betty (anti-infantry mine) •Lights Assault - GD-7F (Carbine) •Lights Assault - Gauss compact S (Carbine) •Lights Assault - C-4 (Explosive) •Engineer - GD-7F (Carbine) •Engineer - Gauss compact S (Carbine) •Engineer - Tank mines •Engineer - Anti-vehicle mana turret •Heavy assault - AF-22 Crow (lock-on missile launcher) •Heavy assault - Concussion grenade •MAX - 2x Hacksaw (anti-infantry) •MAX - 2x Burster (anti-air) •MAX - Aegis shield (ability) Special vehicle armors/decals: •Galaxy - Cockpit gold decal •Galaxy - Tiger fins •ALL - Beta •ALL - Divine intervention •ALL - MLG decal •ALL - Planetside veteran Vehicle camos: (all are infinite use) •Loyal soldier camo •Urban forest Vehicle arsenal: (non-default, performance not included) •Flash - M40 Fury (grenade launcher) •Flash - Wraith cloaking •Flash - Mine guard •Sunderer - Advanced mobile station (spawner) •Sunderer - Vehicle ammo dispenser •Sunderer - Blockade armor •Lightening - L100 oython heat •Lightening - Skyguard (anti-air) •Lightening - Proximity radar •Lightening - Fire suppression •Lightening - Nanite auto repair system •Vanguard - Titan-150 AP (armor piercing) •Vanguard - E540 Halberd •Vanguard - Vanguard shield •Vanguard - Reinforced front armor •Reaver - Vortex rotary (anti-air) •Reaver - Tomcat A2AM pods (anti-air) •Reaver - Breaker rocket pods (anti-ground) •Reaver - Decoy plares •Reaver - Natnite auto repair •Reaver - Vehicle stealth •Liberator - CAS30 tank buster (anti-vehicle) •Liberator - L105 Zepher (anti-ground) •Liberator - L105 Zepher PX (anti-ground) •Liberator - A30 walker (anti-air) •Liberator - M60-A bulldog (anti-ground) •Liberator - Fire suppression •Liberator - Nanite auto repair system •Liberator - Composite armor •Galaxy - 2x A30 Walker (anti-air) •Galaxy - 2x M60-A bullddog (anti-ground) •Galaxy - Decoy flares •Galaxy - 2x Composite armor
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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