84BR, NC, Cobalt Unlocked: -ns (11c,7pdw, baron, 15m2, 44, 10 on max), -hunter QCX, -armor budnle, -battle galaxy bundle (buldgos + walkers), -zephyr,dalton, hyena, harraser halberd and skyguard (for SC now DB), -2x fury, walker, 2x buldog on sundy, maxed armor, -recon grenadier helmet, bandana, poland armor and vehicle decal, outfit decals , -amerish scrub camo, esamir snow camo, hex weave camo, sandy scrub camo and tech camo, -kepler helmet on VANU, and other weapons like gr22, em1, carnage, razor etc. Spent about 300 dolars on this acc, I just only want 100 dolars, you can pay in euro 2. 41days left on nc