Selling Sell C9 Account: Reaperess Lv 67 With Sabrina...

Discussion in 'C9 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Victor Loghin, 8/2/14.

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  1. Victor Loghin

    Victor Loghin
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    Sell C9 Account: Reaperess Lv 67 With Sabrina Gsoul Set Erta Lv 62 With Trementous Speed Soul Set Ranger Lv 57 With Okapian Sun Soul Set Str Scout Lv 52 Slayer and Blademaster Lv 35 The Account Also contains more than 50 m in gold, various Gears for shaman and hunter, a character with guild warehouse and many other Items. Pm me for more information.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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