Selling [EU] VR 12 Khajit Nightblade D.Covenant 45day...

Discussion in 'C9 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 7/21/14.

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  1. Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

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    [EU] VR 12 Khajit Nightblade D.Covenant 45day (PreOrdered Imperial) FULL LEGENDARY This is my second ESO account trading topic and I will share all the information you might find useful about the character. General Informations Gold, Inventory, Horse Stats & Skills Gear Crafting 1. GENERAL INFORMATIONS Race Khajit Class Nightblade Gender Famale Alliance Daggerfall Convenant Guilds Member of 3 EU Top-Trading Guilds Achievements 2820 Total Skillpoints +210 2. GOLD, INVENTORY, HORSE Total Gold about 100000 Bag Space 110 Bank Space 100 Horse level 50 full-speed light horse, imperial horse I spend 600k-650k for legendary armours, weapons and enchants within 15 days. Tons of epics on sale in 3 different guild store. I have lots of craft materials in bank. (I use my bank only store up crafting materials) 3. STATS & SKILLS 3.1. Stats Arena set's +405 armor bonus does not work or does not appear in stat section. Real armor is 1496 + 405 = 1901 I hope they'll fix it. 3.2. Skills CLASS Assassination 50 Shadow 50 Siphoning 50 WEAPON Two Handed 38 One Handed and Shield 8 Dual Wield 50 Bow 50 Destruction Staff 15 Restoration Staff 27 ARMOR Light Armor 33 Medium Armor 50 Heavy Armor 32 WORLD Soul Magic 6 Vampire 10 GUILD Fighters Guild 10 Mages Guild 4 Undaunted 4 ALLIANCE WAR Assult 4 Support 4 RACIAL Khajit 50 CRAFT Alchemy 21 Blacksmithing 49 Clothing 50 Enchanting 6 Provisioning 6 Woodworking 45 4. GEAR Weapon 1 Bow of the Arena Weapon 2 Dagger of Hunding's Rage Weapon 2 Dagger of Hunding's Rage Legs Guards of the Arena Chest Jack of the Arena Waist Belt of the Arena Shoulder Arm Cops of the Arena Hands Bracer of Hunding's Rage Head Helmet of Hunding's Rage Feet Boots of Hunding's Rage Neck Focus of the Warlock Ring 1 Signet of the Warlock Ring 2 Signet of the Warlock All of my armours and weapons are legendary.(Deadric Motif) Daggers active 5 set bonus of "Hunding's Rage" and bow actives 5 set bonus of "Arena" Warlock 3 set bonus very usefull both PvP and PvE. Hunding's Rage Set 3 Items Adds 14 Stamina Recovery. 5 Items Increase weapon damage by 19% when using weapon abilities. Arena Set 3 Items 157 Max Health. 4 Items Adds 350 Armor. 5 Items Reduce cost of CC Break by 15%. Warlock Set 3 items Magicka Flood: Once per minute, when below 33% Magicka, gain 33% Max Magicka 5.CRAFT One of the most important things in the game : research ! My research tables : *Some researches still in progress although shown in the tables.
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