Selling V12 DragonKnight AD (NA). 440k+ gold. Almost all...

Discussion in 'C9 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 7/21/14.

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  1. Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

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    V12 DragonKnight AD (NA). 440k+ gold. Almost all 50 crafting. And many more. V12 DragonKnight AD (NA). 440k+ gold. Almost all 50 crafting. And many more. If you wish to be awesome and solo everything DK is the way to go! Hello all. Reason for selling: First of I'm letting go of this account because I simply don't have time to play anymore. If I can't play why should I pay subs right? So the account I'm selling is a DragonKnight in Aldmeri Dominion. I can't attached pix bcos of lower post count. But I would gladly give you link in msg. IMPERIAL EDITION. Was on early access as well earlier. So unlocked all races in game. Veteran 12. DragonKnight Gold: 440k. Alliance points: 200k+ Max character bag slots. 3 Horse: - 75% speed horse (maxed) - Mixed Imperial Horse, 30+ speed 30+ inventory - Full Inventory Imperial Horse (not yet maxed) Skills: 50 in all DK tree lines. Rank VI in all skills (morphed) 50 in light armors, medium and heavy. One handed and Shield - 50 (maxed) Dual Weild - 50 Destruction staff - 50 Restoration staff - 50 Bow - 43 Maxed in all Guilds, Mages (10), Fighters (10), and Undaunted (5). Crafting ALL CRAFTING BOOKS. Clothing - 50 (PRIMARY) Woodworking - 50 Blackmisthing - 50 Provisioning - 50 Enchanting - 43 (basically maxed) Alchemy - 42 (not maxed) Items - amongs others Have a few Legendary items such as a Seducer Restoration staff, and also shoulder and light armor. Have tons of purple v12 armor and weapons. Including full medium Hunding Rage Purple. Light armors = Willows path set, Seducer, Magicka Furnace (awesome solo set) and so many. Full heavy purple also. Phazius of TF "The Wall" build. note: The buyer make sure you check all the alts character bcos its where I put all unused purple weps and armors. Have almost 2-6k soul gems. (Never need to worry!) Tons of mats including 35 rekutas and all other purple mats. Cant even put all... Will include pix later. Do msg me here for more info. Asking price 500USD (nego) Cheers thanks!
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