Selling Veteran 12 Nightblade + Veteran 8 Sorcerer / EU...

Discussion in 'C9 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 7/21/14.

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  1. Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

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    Veteran 12 Nightblade + Veteran 8 Sorcerer / EU Daggerfall / Imperial Edition Beta-only mini pet Pre-order only Explorer's Pack (play any race on any faction) Imperial Edition; exclusive Imperial character race RANK 12 NIGHTBLADE: You can be the ultimate DPS with dual wield and bow. If needed, you can be AOE DPS with Destruction staff or healer with Restoration staff. Finished all 3 factions and all quest. Total skill points: 232 MAIN CLASS SKILLS All class based skills: 50/50 Dual Wield: 50/50 Bow: 50/50 Destruction Staff: 41/50 Restoration Staff: 42/50 Two Handed: 26/50 Medium Armor 50/50 SECONDARY SKILLS Vampire level: 10 Werewolf level: 4 (ACTIVE) Fighters Guild level: 10 Mage Guild level: 10 CRAFTING: Known all basic motifs and also all rares like Imperial, Primal, Barbaric, Ancient Elf, Daedric. Blacksmith: 50/50 Clothing: 50/50 Woodworking: 50/50 Alchemy: 50/50 Provisioning: 50/50 Enchanting: 44/50 (You can craft anything you want up to rank12) Can craft 6 traits Medium Set Armors. Can craft 6-8 traits Set Staffs, Set Bows and Set Shields. Can craft 6-8 traits Set Weapons. Can craft 6 traits Light Set Armors. INVENTORY & BANK - 100K Gold - Inventory slots: 110 (maxed) - Bank slots: 220 - Have full Legendary set mixed The Night Mother's Gaze and The Hunding's Rage - Lots of high level crafting materials are waiting for you. You can craft whatever you want. Potions, Foods, Armors, Weapons, Glyphs... - Also have all basic and rare motifs as book. So you can sell them or give them to other players. - Have many fancy costumes like Skeleton, Goblin etc... STABLE: Level 46 Gaited Horse (still improving) Level 50 Imperial Horse RANK 8 SORCERER: High DPS for single or multi targets. Can be the ultimate healer if needed. Total skill points: 192 MAIN CLASS SKILLS All necessary class based skills are maxed. Destruction Staff: 50/50 Restoration Staff: 50/50 Bow: 25/50 Two Handed: 29/50 Light Armor 50/50 SECONDARY SKILLS Vampire level: 10 (Vampirism is cured, but I'm keeping another Vampire bite. So you can turn yourself to a Vampire anytime you want) Fighters Guild level: 10 Mage Guild level: 10 CRAFTING: Blacksmith: 32/50 Clothing: 34/50 Woodworking: 32/50 Alchemy: 50/50 Provisioning: 50/50 Enchanting: 40/50 (You can craft anything you want up to rank12) Can craft some 6 traits Heavy Set Armors. INVENTORY & BANK - Inventory slots: 110 (maxed) - Have full Epic set mixed Covenant, Willow's Path and Warlock STABLE: Level 31 Common Horse (still improving) Level 50 Imperial Horse Also 4x 100 slot Bank Character in account. With buying this account you will get 2 wonderfull characters. Both characters have all crafting skills maxed like alchemy, enchanting and provisioning . You can craft anything you want without switching character. I only accept Paypal. It is safe for both side. Serious buyers only. I'll send account name and password when the payment is completed. Then I'll give you an email and password that I created for my account. Price is 750$.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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