Selling [EU] VR12 Templar - 800k gold&mats - 4 month paid...

Discussion in 'C9 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 7/21/14.

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  1. Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

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    [EU] VR12 Templar - 800k gold&mats - 4 month paid - Legendary Items - High PvP Rank Hello. First let me introduce myself : i'm a competitive player and has been professional on Counter-Strike, top Europe on lot of games such as Guild Wars 2, #1 Ragnarok Online, #1 Elder Scrolls Online, Multi Gladiator on WoW S3 S4 S5 S6, billionaire on games such as Diablo 2, Diablo 3 or Path of Exile. Etc, Etc. I love to games. I'm selling the account of my in real life friend and guildmate in game ( He is original owner ). The Account : The account has been played from the first Beta. The game has been pre-ordered and is imperial edition which let you play any race on any faction, imperial race included. Original Owner Account. THERE IS STILL GAME CREDIT LEFT UNTIL ~7 NOVEMBER 2014. Be sure that if you buy this account you will be owning a VERY RARE ACCOUNT. The character is a Templar VR12 and also have 7 mules with Hireling level 1 in Woodworking/Blacksmithing/Clothing which let you gather craft mats everyday for free. Main Character : Class : Templar Level : VR12 Faction : Daggerfall Covenant Gender : Male Race : Orc Skills : All the main tree have been leveled. Notice that since the account High PvP, i have Support and Assault leveled to rank 9 which give an good advantage in Cyrodill PvP. Mage guild is also leveled to rank 10 which is hours of farming lore book in the world map. So there are 210+ skills available on the character. I've also leveled 3 main job to high such as Clothing, Blacksmithing, Woodworking . I've also did some research on a lot of items, so i have already 5-6-7 traits on Clothing, 4-5-6 traits on Blacksmithing and 4 traits on Woodworking. 50/50 Aedric Spear 50/50 Dawn's Wrath 50/50 Restoring Light 37/50 Two Handed 47/50 Bow 47/50 One Hand And Shield 50/50 Restoration Staff 6/50 Duel Wield 48/50 Destruction Staff 50/50 Light Armor 50/50 Medium Armor 50/50 Heavy Armor 6/10 Soul Magic 10/10 Vampire 10/10 Fighters Guild 10/10 Mages Guild 3/10 Undaunted 9/10 Assault 9/10 Support 50/50 Orc skills 5/50 Alchemy 46/50 Blacksmithing 43/50 Clothing 5/50 Enchanting 8/50 Provisioning 34/50 Woodworking Storage/Mounts : I've already paid for the max inventory space : 110 I've paid for max additional bank storage space : 120 I have on this character 1 horse : 1 Imperial Horse (Imperial Edition Only) (51% speed) PvP/Titles : This account is High PvP Rank, i achieved top 2 on 2 differents server with my friends. I've also 12 different titles. I also have 2.9 Millions Alliance Points ready to be spent ( that's huge ) The PvP Rank is 22. It's one of the highest in Europe. Gold/Mats/Stuff : The templar has been played in a lot of different builds and role, this is why i end up with a mix of stuff with light and heavy. So it will let you try a lot of different builds/weapons set to decide which one you prefer and what gamestyle suit the best to you. When you will be ready, you can just decide which VR12 legendary items/set you're going to craft. If you already know what you want to play before buying, i can also craft you the LEGENDARY SET OF YOUR CHOICE, all the mats are in the bank. There is 74k gold and mats for a fresh start. 88*Dwarven Oil (31k gold value) 73*Dreugh Wax (292k gold value) 219*Embroidery (76k gold value) 75*Elegant Lining (75k gold value) 21*Honing Stone (1.5k gold value) 17*Hemming (1.5k gold value) 14*Grain Solvent (14k gold value) 32*Pitch (2.5k gold value) 4*Mastic (4k gold value) 13*Turpen (4.5k gold value) 45*Tempering Alloy (180k gold value) 8*Rosin (32k gold value) TOTAL = 714.000 gold in mats. So the total value of items you can sell is for 800k gold. With alliance points and mats you got on this account you can craft whatever high end VR12 legendary set you want. Contact me : Skype : Guts_mHz Phone : (+33) I don't mind using a middleman. Scammers, please, don't loose my time or yours, i'm not stupid. Serious buyers only, the price is #, i'm open for a discussion.
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