hello guys i want to sell my account. My character has full legendary items which are vr12 5 covenant set with 3 warlock and 3 covenant set again. dark magic: 50 deadric summoning: 31 storm calling: 50 two handed: 44 destruction staff: 50 restoration staff: 40 light armor: 50 heavy armor: 49 fighters guild: 10 mages guild: 10 alliance lvls for support and assault: 8 blacksmith and clothing: 50 traits in blacksmith and clothing are 6 some of them are 7-8 for cloth and heavy items horse is lvl50 with %64 speed bank slot is 230 with maxed character inventory. Taking offers for my account asking google wallet or paypal message or add me for additional pictures. thanks http://graph.facebook..com/1483158681956085/picture