Selling  Global   Android and iOS  High End ENDGAME GLOBAL ACCOUNT 16 ML 5+200 I90 GEAR+ CHAMP ARENA +302 SPEED RAN 750

Discussion in 'Epic Seven Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Epic7 Account' started by goodgud, 10/3/22.

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  1. goodgud

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    My Location:
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    Hello selling my own global account due to burnout

    200+ i-90 gear and 50+ i88 gear and 100+ i85 gear

    Arena and RTA Champion (very easy to maintain champion with my current build)

    SSS pet for hunt

    Wyvern 13 one shot, Banshee 13 oneshot, Caides 13 auto, golem 13 N/A, Azimanik 13 Auto

    302 speed ran

    I will give you all access to the Gmail

    I had played for 2 years and spent over $1500+

    was looking for $750 PayPal F&F (preferred)

    If you’re interested or have any questions, PM me or add my Discord: babagar#3437
    #1 goodgud, 10/3/22
    Last edited: 10/3/22
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