Selling I can no longer take care of this account and I...

Discussion in 'Marvel War of Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Marvel War of Heroes Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/11/14.

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  1. Marvel War of Heroes Accounts - Buy and Sell

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    I can no longer take care of this account and I want to get back at least a part of my investment, the account is at level 112, almost enough atk points for 3 full attacks, leader of a decent alliance, main deck deals 90 to 124k without the scrapper bonus, the account includes 3 legendary bruiser cards, a base ur thanos, a dedicated ur defensive speed deck, alternative deck of tactic villains plus many more ur+ cards to sale or trade, after receiving PayPal payment I'll send the account information. There's nothing to be shipped, just an account containing virtual cards for this game. The account includes Legendary cards: Sky rider silver surfer Genuine leader Cyclops sk 2 Wolverine sk 2 Base Ur thanos sk 2 Ur +: Carnage Enemy of life ultron sk4 Mephisto sk 4 2 x Iron patriot sk 3 Loki sk2 Mister sinister sk 2 Dormammu sk2 X23 sk 3 X23 sk 1 2x First human torch sk 1 Ms. Marvel sk 2 Soa Thor sk7 2x soa Thor sk 3 The best there is Wolverine sk 2 Mystical entity juggernaut Thunder god Thor sk3 Asgardian lightning Thor sk2 Telekinesis Jean Grey Base ssr: 3x scarlett spiderman 3x Scarlett witch 3x Jade giantess she hulk 2x Emma frost Dormammu Soa Thor Power cosmic silver surfer Moon knight
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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