Sold 12!!LvL 80's - 3 legendary Wepons-2 Legendary Skins- almost 20k AP

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by limitron, 10/31/15.

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  1. limitron

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    Hello, a quick overview of the account.
    12 Characters - 2 Thieves, Mesmer Ele, Necro, Warrior, Engi, 2 Rangers and 3 guardians
    5 Legendaries, Incinerator, Quip, Bifrost. (Sunrise and Twilight. They are skins though).
    19,271 achievement points
    Level 80 in pvp with all champion titles.
    Rank 1,337 (Silver Legend) in wvw, with 84,962 wvw kills. 6k wvw badges.
    Level 50 in Fractals with Fractal Sword, Hammer, Longbow, Axe, Dagger, Greatsword, Rifle, Scepter Torch, Shield and Trident unlocked with 3.3k relics.
    209% magic find
    Dungeoneer Title
    Full Luminescent armor
    2,767,546 Karma
    72 Laurels
    500 on all crafting Disciplines

    In The Bank
    In the bank there is 20 instant level 20s and 231 level up books for if you want to level a new character. there is alot of stuff in the mats storage including 20-50 of each t6 mat - 100 globs of ectoplasm and 110 globs of elder spirit residue, 126 spools of thick elonian cord, 8 spools of silk weaving thread, 99 Lumps of mithrillium and 250 globs of dark matter.

    The First Character I have is my human Thief. It has 5/6 ascended valk armor pieces with 2 legendaries on it (Incinerator & Quip) and a ascended bow with Berserker trinkets. it also has 2 more inventory unlocks with 100% map completion on it. with copper slavage o'matic in the inventory.

    Second is an Asura thief it is currently ungeared. but has silly Scimitar ascended sword, 9 celebration boosters, 4 birthday boosters 122 globs of dark matter, 21 mystic clovers and 8 arena time tokens in the inventory also has the watchwork mining pick on it.

    3rd is a Human mesmer, it has full berserker armor and weapons with the anomaly it is currently has a full inventory of ascended mats.

    4th is a Human Ele, it has full ascended berserker armor, weapons and trinkets, with scholar runes - night and force sigils and 75 ar, ready for all pve dungeons with bifrost on it and all potions for pve + food.

    Next up is a Sylvari Guardian. this one does have a ascended great sword on it. but that is it. it is used to store the inventory full of ascended rings this account has.

    the 6th character is a Norn Ranger, it has full berserker gear with t3 armor. wings of Dwayna longbow and the greatsaw great sword. again, the inventory is full of ascended mats.

    the 7th is an asura Necro, it has full ascended armor, half ascended trinkets and 2/3 ascended weapons. the inventory is full of the new living story stuff + a load of champ bags.

    Next is a human Engi, it has half ascended armor piece (condi) with another set of knights armor and full ascended trinkets for both and an ascended pistol and shield.

    9th Character is a asura ranger, it is half geared. it has mawdrey II and 4 mystic clovers in it's inventory.

    the 10th character is a Charr Guardian, it has full ascended gear with 75 ar, it also has another set of soldiers gear with melandru runes. in his inventory he has 1 ascended defenders ascended boots. 4 healers gloves and 1 boots. 1 Malicious shoulders and 2 coats, 1 Raiders Helms -- Chorbens weapon chest Mathilde, Grizzlemouths, Angchu and Ebonmanes weapon chests. all for ascended stuff.

    the 11th character is a human warrior, it has 2 armors, both berserker. one with Hoelbrak runes, the other scholar. the inventory has some potions but was mostly a character for roaming.

    Last Character is a Human Guardian. it is full berserker, mainly used for pvp and soloing dungeons. inventory has 4 black lion salvage kits + some junk.

    Im looking for 300$ if you are interested in buying add me on skype : limitron2strong
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