Selling Elo boosting,coaching and account leveling. S2...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/14/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Elo boosting,coaching and account leveling. S2 Diamond player looking to make some cash on the side. If you have problems with getting ranked and want a little help well I am your guy Prices are discussable depending on whats on your account we can talk more at this Lol elo boosting A brief introduction Greetings gamers! I assume you are viewing this because you are concerned with your current ELO and intend on having it improved. Rest assured; this can be done very easily and proficiently. From my interactions with gamers in LoL, essentially all of them have expressed to me one or more of the following reasons as to why they wanted the boost done to their accounts: • They feel that they play at a higher ELO than they are currently placed, but the teammates at their current ELO are often too difficult to carry in most games, resulting in a 50:50 Win/Loss ratio. • They have dropped a considerable amount of ELO due to trolls and bad teammates and want to recl their former ELO so that they can further improve into higher ELO brackets on their own. • They want to play better quality ranked games and feel that if they are given a boost to avoid low ELO brackets entirely, they can freely thrive and gain ELO more effectively based on their own skill level. All of these issues players commonly face are legitimate, and I personally empathize with them. After all, the ELO system was originally designed to measure individual skill levels for 1v1 play in chess, but Riot has implemented the same system in a 10 person team-oriented game, directly resulting in a lot of justifiably frustrated players. What I can personally offer you I have been playing LoL for about 2.5 years now and am currently a tier 1 diamond player on my main account and high 2400s on my smurf account . What confuses most players is that you have to play differently in lower ELO than you would in higher ELO. In lower ELO, you must play extremely aggressive and punish every mistake your...
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