Selling Sticky: ******* ELO Boosting REQUIRES Members to...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/15/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Sticky: ******* ELO Boosting REQUIRES Members to be Verified ******* To offer ELO boosting/leveling services you have to be verified. Any server that requires you to log into someone's gaming account to perform leveling or boosting REQUIRES verification. You can get your EpicNP account verified here - /verifyaccount.php WTS: [EUW] LvL 30 1450 elo, 26 skins, 4 rare, rare summoner icons, 4 runepages, 85 champio Champions: 85 Skins: 23: Dynasti Ahri, Stinger Akali, [A bit rare] Unchained Alistar, Frosted Ezreal, Dreadknight Garen,[RARE] Judgment Kayle, Karate Kennen, Traditional Lee Sin & Acolyte Lee Sin, Valkyrie Leona, [RARE] Haunted Maokai & Totemic Maokai, Lord Mordekaiser, Maiden Nidalee, Frost Nocturne, Demolisher Nunu, [LEGENDARY] Brolaf Olaf, [RARE] Championship Riven, Warknight Shen, Tyrant Swain, Bloodstone Taric, Blackbelt Udyr,Blight Crystal Varus, Rare Skins: Unchained Alistar, Judgment Kayle, Haunted Maokai, Championship Riven Played since S1, had 1486 elo S2, 1400 S3 currently. Silver 5v5, silver 3v3. Pretty good stats aswell. Runes: 4 Runepages [MARKS] +0,91 Armor (x9), +1.3 Armor Pen. (x9), +1.7% Attack Speed (x9), -0.16% Cooldown (x1), +0.87 Magic Pen. (x9) [SEALS] +0.59 Ability Power (x9), +1.4 Armor (x9), +0.43 Physical Dmg (x9), +0.74 Magic Resist (x9), [GLYPHS] +1.2 Ability Power (x9), +028 Physical Dmg (x9), +1.3 Magic Resist (x9), +2,7 Magic Resist at Level 18 (x6) [QUINTESSENCES] +5.0 Ability Power (x3), +4.3 Armor (x3), +2.3 Physical Dmg (x3), +2.0% Exp Bonus (x1), +-5.00% Time Dead (x1) [Eye rape, I know] RP: Spent a ton of RP on this account, 84 left. IP: 1684 IP Ranked Stats: 1433 Max elo S3, 1400 current. 56 wins, 47 loss S3, S2 686 Won 656 Lost, S1 25 won 49 lost Rare Stuff: 3 Rare Halloween Summoner Spells, 2 Silver cups from S2, Championship S2 Summoner Icon! I'm selling it a bit cheap, contact me on my : mr.dj332 WTS: NORTH AMERICA 89 champs, 43 skins AMAZING ACCOUNT, 10 RUNE PAGES 12K IP CHAMPS I DON'T OWN :...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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