Selling Selling] NA Diamond IV ~80champs + many skins and...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rin Lee, 7/2/13.

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  1. Rin Lee

    Rin Lee
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    Selling] NA Diamond IV ~80champs + many skins and legendaries; more info. attached This account is originally and exclusively owned by me and is currently at Diamond IV 15 LP skins: dynasty Ahri Golden alistar Matador alistar unchained alistar infernal alistar officier caitlyn dark valkyrie diana toxic dr.mundo corporate mundo masqueade evelynn pulsefire ezreal TPA ezreal gatekeeper galio scuba gragas mafia graves nightblade irelia frostblade irelia hextech janna victorious janna dragon fist lee sin steel legion lux shamrock malphite obsidian malphite Brolaf uncle ryze sandscourge skarner divine soraka tyrant swain buccaneer tristana rocket girl tristana heartseeker vayne leprechaun veigar winged hussar xin zhao Runes: 6 rune pages Marks - + 0.91 armor * 9 + 0.95 physical damage * 9 + 1.7% attack speed * 9 + 0.93% critical strike * 9 + 0.87 magic pen * 9 Seals - + 1.4 armor * 9 + 0.25 gold per 10 * 9 Glyphs - + 1.3 magic resist * 9 +0.31 mana regen / 5 * 9 + 2.7 magic resist at lvl 18 * 9 Quintessences - +5.0 ability power * 3 +2.3 physical dmg * 3 +3.4% attack speed * 1 +1.0 gold per 10 * 3 +2.0% lifesteal bouns * 3 +1.5% movement speed * 3 +6.7 magic resist at lvl 18 * 3
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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