Selling League of legends account for sale It is on the EU...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rumen Dimov, 7/16/13.

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  1. Rumen Dimov

    Rumen Dimov
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    League of legends account for sale It is on the EU Nordic and East server, The account is level 30 which permits you to play ranked games. It has 20 champions including: akali,cho'gath,jax, darius, kayle, master yi with a skin, nocturne, nunu, pantheon, poppy, ryze, sivir, twisted fate, veigar, warwick, yorick and zac. It also has 1500ip points on it. 435 dominon wins (platinum league) If anyone is intereste pm me the price is #.
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