Selling Selling Account:Level: 30 Region: EUW Wins: 1000+...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Marvic Grima, 7/16/13.

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  1. Marvic Grima

    Marvic Grima
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    Selling Account:Level: 30 Region: EUW Wins: 1000+ League: Gold Division: IV Runes: Almost All Rune Pages: 20 Champions: All IP: 11k RP: 100 Skins: Ahri - Foxfire Ahri, Midnight Ahri Akali - Crimson Akali Alistar - Unchained Alistar, Infernal Alistar Amumu - Pharaoh Amumu Anivia - Bird of Prey Anivia Annie - Annie in Wonderland Ashe - Ametyst Ashe Brand - Zombie Brand Cassiopeia - Siren Cassiopeia, Mythic Cassiopeia Cho'Gath - Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath Corki - Red Baron Corki Diana - Dakr Valkyrie Diana Dr. Mundo - Toxic Dr.Mundo, Mr. Mundoverse, Corporate Mundo, TPA DR.Mundo Evelynn - Masquerade Evelynn, Tango Evelynn Ezreal - Nottingham Ezreal, Pulsfire Ezreal, TPA Ezreal Fiddlesticks - Surprise Party Fiddlesticks, Dark Candy Fiddlesticks Fiora - Headmistress Fiora Fizz - Fisherman Fizz Garen - Rugged Garen Gragas - Gragas, ESQ Graves - Hired Gun Graves, Riot Graves, Mafia Graves Hecarim - Headless Hecarim Jax - Angler Jax, Temple Jax Karma - Sakura Karma Karthus - Phantom Karthus, Grim Reaper Karthus Kassadin - Deep one Kassadin Katarina - Mercenery Katarina, Slay Belle Katarina Kayle - Judgment Kayle Kog' Maw - Lion Dance Kog'Maw LeBlanc - Wicked LeBlanc, Prestigious LeBlanc, Mistletoe LeBlanc Lee Sin - Traditional Lee Sin, Acolyte Lee Sin, Dragon Fist Lee Sin, Muay Thai Lee Sin Lux - Sorceress Lux Malphite - Shamrock Malphite, Marble Malphite, Obsidian Malphite, Glacial Malphite Malzahar - Vizier Malzahar Miss Fortune - Mafia Miss Fortune Mordekaiser - Lord Mordekaiser Nami - Koi Nami Nunu - TPA Nunu Nasus - Galactic Nasus Nidalee - Headhunter Nidalee Nocturne - Void Nocturne Orianna - Sewn Chaos Orianna, Gothic Orianna, Blade Craft Orianna, TPA Orianna Rammus - Molten Rammus Renekton - Rune Wars Renekton Riven - Crimson Elite Riven, Battle Bunny Riven, Championship Riven Ryze - Tribal Ryze, Uncle Ryze Shaco - Workshop Shaco Shen - Yellow Jacket Shen, TPA Shen Shyvana - Iron Scale Shyvana, Darkflame Shyvana Sion - Lumberjack Sion Sivir - Bandit Sivir Swain - Tyrant Swain Syndra - JUsticar Syndra Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana, Fire Fighter Tristana Tryndamere - Viking Tryndamere, Sultan Tryndamere Twisted Fate - The Magnificient Twisted Fate, Musketeer Twisted Fate Varus - Blight Crystal Varus Vayne - Aristocrat Vayne Veigar - Bad Santa Veigar Vi - Neon Strike Vi Viktor - Full Machine Viktor, Prototype Vladimir - Vandal Vladimir, Blood Lord Vladimir Xerath - Scorched Earth Xerath, BattleCast Xerath Xin Zhao - Winged Hussar Xin Zhao Yorick - Pentakill Yorick Ziggs - Pool Party Ziggs Zyra - Wildfire Zyra + TPA Bundle Runes: Marks - Greater Mark of Ability Power x9 Greater Mark of Armor x9 Greater Mark of Armor Penetration x9 Greater Mark of Attack Damage x9 Greater Mark of Attack Speed x9 Greater Mark of Critical Chance x9 Greater Mark of Health x9 Greater Mark of Magic Resist x9 Greater Mark of Mana Regeneration x9 Seals - Greater Seal of Ability Power x9 Greater Seal of Armor x9 Greater Seal of Attack Damage x9 Greater Seal of Attack Speed x9 Greater Seal of Critical Chance x9 Greater Seal of Gold x4 Greater Seal of Magic Resist x9 Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration x9 Greater Seal of Scaling Ability Power x9 Greater Seal of Scaling Armor x9 Greater Seal of Scaling Health Regeneration x9 Glyphs - Greater Glyph of Ability Power x9 Greater Glyph of Armor x9 Greater Glyph of Attack Speed x9 Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction x9 Greater Glyph of Critical Chance x9 Greater Glyph of Health x9 Greater Glyph of Scaling Damage x9 Greater Glyph of Scaling Health x9 Greater Glyph of Magic Resist x9 Greater Glyph of Mana x9 Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction x9 Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist x9 Quintessences - Greater Quintessences of Armor x3 Greater Quintessences of Armor Penetration x3 Greater Quintessences of Attack Damage x3 Greater Quintessences of Attack Speed x3 Greater Quintessences of Critical Chance x2 Greater Quintessences of Critical Damage x3 Greater Quintessences of Gold x3 Greater Quintessences of Health x3 Greater Quintessences of Life Steal x3 Greater Quintessences of Magic Penetration x1 Greater Quintessences of Magic Resist x3 Greater Quintessences of Mana x1 Greater Quintessences of Movement Speed x3 Greater Quintessences of Spell Vamp x3
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    Claudiu Badea

    Claudiu Badea
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    how mutch ?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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