This is a legit account, not # so don't worry about any bans , I am prestige 12 lvl 1 and my K/D is 1.07. I have every single dlc gun (apart from 2) including stg44, blunderbuss,svo,m16,ak47,cel3,ae4 and the OHM(about 5$ or £3.19) Some of those guns are elite and royilty like the stg44 iron claw(elite), ae4(royilty) and the cel-3 infected (legendary) I have 4 legendary items(if you dont know what lengendary items are in advanced warfare then trust me they are rare, youtubes spend hundereds to get 1 or 2. i have the legendary ronin helmet, legendary ronin pants, legendary samuria helmet and legendary cel-3 infected(best shotgun in the game) i have most good guns you expect like the: Obsidian Steed (Damage +2, Mobility +1, Fire Rate -1, Accuracy -1, Handling -1) Bal-27 - Inferno (Fire Rate +1, Handling +2, Mobility -3) AK-12 - R.I.P. (Damage +1, Accuracy +2, Mobility -1, Mag Size -2) ARX-160 - Steel Bite (Damage +3, Accuracy -2, Fire Rate -1) IMR - Impact ( Handling -1, damage+1) MK14 - Eagle Eye (Range +2, Accuracy +1, Mag Size -1, integrated Quickdraw Grip, disallows optics) KF5 - Breakneck (Fire Rate +3, Accuracy -1) SN6 - The Third (Damage +1, Range +2, Mobility -3) ASM1 - Rigor( +2 Accuracy, -2 Handling ) Tac-19 - Round House (Fire Rate +1, Handling +1,) Tac-19 - Sledgehammer (Accuracy +2, Mag Size +1, Handling -1, Mobility -1) MORS - Royalty/The Doctor (Fire Rate +2, Handling +1, Damage -1, Accuracy -1, Mobility -1) STG44- Iron claw (+1 handling, +1 mobility,-2 range) AE4 ROYILTY- (+1 damage) CEL-3 Infected-(+2 range, -1 handling) This aren't every single good gun i have just the best ones By the way I have a red clan tag, if you don't know what the is its pretty much means your quite good kills= 20599 gaming time= 6 days and 6 hours Happy gaming! add me on Instagram.-daniel.moshn Facebook.-daniel moshn or email [email protected] :p