Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NineLives, 9/21/22.

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  1. NineLives

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    Hello! I am selling Founder accounts (Hunter, Master, Grand Master). Each account will be provide with email that buyer can change on any time. Each account is safe - you shouldn't worry that account was compromised anywhere. I'm not provide screenshots or information that can compromised account. Feel free to ask any questions on my discord or on private messages.
    Discord: Purple Aesthetics#4308

    Optional: for additional price with one of account can be added old clan with Orokin dojo 1.0 (unobtainable after 2013). Contact me for additional information

    Exclusive lot:
    FOUNDER Grand Master + Closed beta + Clan with oldest Orokin Dojo 1.0
    Account contain Grand Master Pack that include: Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime, Lato Prime, Personal Solar Landmark in profile, Grand Master profile badge, Grand Master sigil and Founders council access. Besides Founder pack, account have Closed Beta profile badge and own oldest clan with Orokin dojo 1.0 (that become unobtainable after 2013)

    MR 32 FOUNDER Master + Closed Beta with Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime, 90+ rivens. 3700+ Hours, Many skins and Prime access + Iahgames Braton skin (unobtainable after 2013)
    3700+ hours played
    90+ Rivens
    Total: 53 Warframes in arsenal (included Excalibur prime)
    -120+ formas in warframes
    Total: 370+ weapons (include Skana Prime, 19 weapons from Kuva liches and 12 weapons from Sisters of Parvos. Each Kuva and Tenet weapon polarised 5 times)
    -More than 1000+ formas in weapons
    Total: 28 companions
    -40 formas in companions
    -38 Different Primed mods (+ 5 maxed umbra mods)
    -All 9 Different maxed Galvanized mods
    -9 Different maxed Amalgam mods
    -23 Different Arcane Helmets
    -33 Different Maxed Arcanes
    -120k+ Kuva
    -Railjack intrinsics: 10/10/10/10/10
    -Helminth maxed lvl

    -A lot of cosmetics and deluxe skins, include rare iahgames braton skin (unobtainable after 2013):
    5 Tennnocon sets
    140+ Tennogen skins/syandanas/helmets
    165+ Syandanas
    42 Different Ephemeras

    Items from Prime Access:

    Prime Armor sets:
    Acanthus Prime
    Anasa Ayatan Prime
    Atavist Prime
    Avia Prime
    Edo Prime
    Glissanda Prime
    Imugi Prime
    Kukri Prime
    Narvarr Prime
    Spritsail Prime
    Targis Prime

    Prime Syandanas:
    Abbera Prime
    Apavada Prime
    Avia Prime
    Capella Prime
    Cycuta Prime
    Impetus Prime
    Isabeau Prime
    Jindou Prime
    Massif Prime
    Misa Prime
    Noru Prime
    Oblivia Prime
    Pyra Prime
    Serenidine Prime
    Spektaka Prime
    Sukira Prime
    Uru Prime
    Vistapa Prime
    Yamako Prime

    Prime Operator suit, armor, appearance:
    Anten Prime Earpiece
    Erlang Prime Oculus
    Respa Prime Mask
    Vayas Prime face accessories set (diadem, earpiece, mask)
    Saita Prime armor set (hood, sleeves, suit)
    Commodore Prime armor set (apparel, cuirass, greaves, mask, pauldrons)

    Prime Sugatras:
    Cateno Prime
    Cholla Prime
    Daman Prime
    Kazeru Prime
    Naviga Prime
    Sardin Prime
    Vala Prime
    Spektaka Prime

    Prime Sigils:
    Cycuta Prime
    Static Reactor Prime
    Velorun Prime
    Rift Walker Prime

    Prime Ephemeras:
    Corposant Prime Ephemera
    Sanguinax Prime Ephemera

    Kubrow/Kavat/Sentinel Prime Armor:
    Sanzang Prime Kubrow Armor
    Kavasa Prime Kubrow Armor
    Tibor Prime Kavat Armor
    Summus Prime Sentinel Set (mask, tail, wings)
    Unda Prime Sentinel Set (mask, tail, wings)

    Other items from Prime Access:
    Liset Prime Skin (Landing Craft)
    Distilling Extractor Prime
    Titan Extractor Prime

    MR 30 FOUNDER Hunter with Excalibur Prime, 100.000+ platinum, 300.000.000+ Credits, 130+ rivens. 7000+ Hours
    7000+ hours played
    More than 100.000 Platinum on account
    300.000.000+ Credits
    130+ Rivens
    Total: 59 Warframes (included Excalibur prime)
    -265+ formas in warframes
    Total: 350+ weapons (included 16 weapons from Kuva liches. Each Kuva weapon polarised 5 times)
    -More than 1250+ formas in weapons
    Total: 29 companions
    -115+ formas in companions
    -20+ formas in weapons for companions
    -48 Different Maxed primed mods (+ 5 maxed umbra mods)
    -78 Different Maxed arcanes (All platinum arcanes and other most important arcanes)
    -All 9 Different maxed Amalgam mods
    -21 Different Ephemeras
    -12 Arcane helmets
    -200k+ Kuva
    -1400+ Steel Essence
    -16.000+ Ducats
    -Railjack intrinsics: 10/10/9/10/9
    -Helminth lvl 10
    -A lot of cosmetics and deluxe skins

    MR 15 FOUNDER Master + Closed Beta with Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime + Iahgames Braton skin (unobtainable after 2013)
    Account contain Founder Master pack that include: Excalibur prime, Skana Prime, Design Council Access, Founder Master profile badge, and Master sigil
    -Closed Beta profile badge
    -Old and rare Iahgames Braton skin that become unobtainable after 2013

    MR 11 FOUNDER Master with Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime + oldest Clan with Orokin dojo 1.0 (unobtainable after 2013)
    Account contain Founder Master pack that include: Excalibur prime, Skana Prime, Design Council Access, Founder Master profile badge, and Master sigil
    Account will comes with your own clan, with Orokin dojo 1.0, that was not possible to obtain after 2013

    MR 20 FOUNDER Master with Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime and most rare unobtainable Iahgames and Rixtymol skins from 2013 + Top rivens collection on additional 75.000 platinum
    Account contain Founder Master pack that include: Excalibur prime, Skana Prime and Design Council Access

    Ultra rare: Iahgames Braton skin and Rixtymol Aklato skin (Unobtainable after 2013)

    -Top rivens collection with total price - 75.000 platinum

    Total: 220+ weapons on arsenal (included Skana Prime)
    46 Warframes (included Excalibur Prime)

    Armor sets, syandanas, and other appearance from Prime access

    MR 21 FOUNDER Hunter with Excalibur Prime + Iahgames Braton skin (unobtainable after 2013)
    Account contain Founder Hunter pack that include: Excalibur prime, Founder Hunter profile badge, and Hunter sigil
    -Old and rare Iahgames Braton skin that become unobtainable after 2013

    MR 17 FOUNDER Hunter with Excalibur Prime
    Account contain Founder Hunter pack that include: Excalibur prime, Founder Hunter profile badge, and Hunter sigil
    Prime access and many deluxe skins appearance
    #1 NineLives, 9/21/22
    Last edited: 9/26/22
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  2. OP

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    MR 17 FOUNDER Hunter with Excalibur Prime - Sold
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  3. OP

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    For actual information about available Founder accounts and prices - contact me on discord: Purple Aesthetics#4308
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  4. OP

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    New discord: purpleaesthetics
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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