Sold TC35, 490 m force, Sheriff 60/Talent 28, M4/A4/Outlaw 6 unlocked, new town all maxxed

Discussion in 'West Game Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by eugenS, 9/19/22.

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  1. eugenS

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    This account was a food farm several weeks ago but I upgraded it. In the meanwhile I am willing to quit the game completely.
    Sheriff badges are at level 50, excepting crystal one. Lots of research is done (also advanced research, A4 unlocked; see research force) but of course there is some left to do. Everything is finished in new town.
    And you have about 550K gold and 550+ days of speedups so you can change the account as you want.
    The account comes with email address dedicated for it.

    Price: 200 EUR/USD to my Paypal account (Paypal has buyer protection).
    If any questions, just ask. The town is in state 8.
    (screenshots are a couple of days old, TC+Academy are lvl. 35 and there is some more gold)

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