Sold C44 3,2b power at kd 671

Discussion in 'Guns of Glory Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NasssM, 9/16/22.

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  1. NasssM

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    My Location:
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    Kingdom 671 is one of the top kingdoms of the 600s-700s and definitely one of the top crowded as over 300 castles landed here at 2 migrations. There is total nap, all people are friends and famous of their hospitality. KVKs... They live for that (17 stars and counting).
    Castle trains 13s infantry (2,4m already) and cavalry (4,2m so far) out of 9m total army (rest are 12s)
    Troop stats about 33k
    Cav stats about 70k
    Upgrades available
    There are 5 permanent castle skins, 2 permanent marches and 1 permanent airship skin
    700k gold
    Screenshot_20220916_170034_com.diandian.gog.jpg Screenshot_20220916_170044_com.diandian.gog.jpg Screenshot_20220916_170052_com.diandian.gog.jpg Screenshot_20220916_170058_com.diandian.gog.jpg

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    #1 NasssM, 9/16/22
    Last edited: 9/16/22
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