Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LeCaprice, 9/14/22.

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  1. LeCaprice

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    Server: Cain

    All the characters that are listed ready or almost ready for Meister(future content). And all of them can do Ozma pubs without any problem.

    1) Spectre. 31k Fame, Full amp: +10 and Earring +11. Rare clone avatar with golds and sub passive plats, Rare clone weapon avatar, one of the best auras(coin shop), good pet, good title. BiS epic pants that require 120 avatars in the inventory(120 avatars included). Full chants(Astaroth, Ozma,).

    2) Agent. 26.8k Fame, Full amp: +4-8 mostly, +13 Weapon, Rare clone avatar with golds and sub passive plats, pre top title with skill dmg, good aura, average pet. BiS epic pants that require 120 avatars in the inventory(120 avatars included) Full chants(Ozma)

    3) Dragon Knight. 28.5k Fame, Almost full amp(except neck, but i got 1 piece to transfer amp), +8 refine wep. Rare clone avatar with golds and sub passive plats, pre top title with skill dmg, good aura, good pet. BiS epic pants that require 120 avatars in the inventory(120 avatars included) Full chants(Ozma)

    4) Fbrawler. 27k Fame, 10/12 pieces amped, +12 Weapon. Rare clone avatar with golds and sub passive plats, pre top title with skill dmg, good aura, average pet. Pure poison build.

    5) Hekate. 25k Fame, 10/12 pieces amped(0-5 mostly). Rare clone avatar with golds and Buff plats. BiS buff weapon, BiS mythic, BiS titles for apoc and buff, BiS pet, pre top aura +1 apoc.

    6) Seraph 26.8k Fame, 12/12 pieces amped(0/4 mostly). Rare clone avatar with golds, BiS buff weapon, BiS mythic, BiS titles for apoc and buff, BiS pet, BiS aura.

    There is also Demon Slayer with BiS +12 Weapon and Rare clone avatar, but that's all. I almost never played on her after 110.

    That acc will be good for those who don't want to start from scratch, because right now dfo not friendly towards newbies + meister already here.

    For more info you can contact me via Discord: Sharpshooter#9427
    #1 LeCaprice, 9/14/22
    Last edited: 9/14/22
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