Purchase Information! PRICE: 1$ per 100 members CURRENT MEMBERS IN OAUTH: 720 Contact/Purchase: Telegram: @Da_Spo Email: [email protected] Discord: YourSon#1620 (DISCORD NOT RECOMMENDED I have been terminated in the past) Payment methods: - Any crypto (XMR, BTC, ETC etc.) - Credit/Debit card (via AmazonGiftcards) - Paypal (via PayPalGifts) - And possibly others (Dm me for more info) How does this work and how do you add members: So let's start with how this works and where the members come from, I get the members by using a fake verification discord # that links to a discord authentication link that lets me add the person to a server. Ok next how do I add the members, All you have to do is give me admin so I can add my # to your server, Then I will use my panel to add the members to your server (Because of discord API limits it can take about 10 minutes for the # to add all the members). Proof: If you need something more dm me on discord and I will try to provide it. !!! DO NOT USE THE BUY BUTTON TO PURCHASE !!! To buy message me on discord or telegram (You can find them at the top of the page) I don't use the purchase feature provided by this site because they don't offer a way to cash out with crypto without using an exchange. (Also you cant take giftcards as payment is another reason.)