Selling  Wonder 2 Unlocked keep 34 on server 962(Strongly built for PVP)

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bharath, 9/5/22.

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  1. Bharath

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    Selling my Keep in server 962 Continent 4.
    Keep Level - 34
    Monarch level - 32
    VIP - 13

    - Server War Ares
    - King of Generals
    - Monarch's Glory(King for twice)
    - Dragon Master
    Sub Cities:
    Korean Purple - 4
    Russia Purple - 1
    China Purple - 1
    Japan Blue - 1
    Default Sub - Blue

    Senior or Special designated Duty officers for all buildings except Rally(Skanderbeg(6 Star), Eulji, Ban Chao, Askia, Oleg, John 1 of P, Gwon Ryul, Abd al-Rahman)
    Range - Electra(5M and 6 Star) and Alfred(Assistant)
    Ground - Elise(4.5M) and Trajan/Scipio(Assistant)
    Mounted - Martinus(3.9M) and Gaius/Hannibal(Assistant)
    Wall General - Dewey(4.4M) and Shajar or Leo I(Assistant)
    Siege - Ulysses(6 Star)

    All important buildings are either 32 - 33, Academy 34, Rally Spot 34, Army Camp 34, Forge 33, Hospital 33, Wall 33, Research Factory 33, Stables 33, Barraks 32, Aecher 32, Workshop 32, Shrine 32, Farming Tiles Min 30 - Max 33

    Research Power - 9.2 M
    Gears - Got Few Civ gears, Acha and Ares are minimum gears for Range, Ground, Mounted and Wall General
    Generals - All generals got good gear and Electra Archer General is killer.
    Troops - Highest Tier T13s for all. Have around 1 to 1.5 Million T13s

    Ranking - Duke
    Gems - 1 M gems
    Gold - 1.2 B Gold
    RSS - Decent amount of Boxes(4B Stone, Others 500M to 1B each)
    Alliance is Top alliance in our server and got Camelot Alliance Tower
    Monarch Events - I am consistently in Top 5 in over all ranking and Non Coining events like Gathering I'm 2nd all the times. Can clear Lvl 15 tile(8.4M _ Gets 20M) in 3 hours
    RSS Generation - Close to 2 M per Hour for each type

    Shajar for wall to increase RSS production
    5 Jindeoks for Gathering
    4 Baibers for Joining rallies

    Dragons - Lvl 6 Norway, Lvl 6 Celetic, Lvl 4 Thebes, Lvl 4 Fafnir

    Overall it is a very good PVP account. Screenshot of one of the recent PvP attack posted
    Contact Me on Discord for more details: Neel#0060

    Note: Power in Screenshots shows as 260M as I'm waiting for Power Event for healing.

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    #1 Bharath, 9/5/22
    Last edited: 9/6/22
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