Selling WTS Wizard/bard Pavo server(old neptune and hera)...

Discussion in 'Silkroad SRO Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Raimis Gud, 10/8/13.

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  1. Raimis Gud

    Raimis Gud
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    WTS Wizard/bard Pavo server(old neptune and hera) 120lvl full farmed 99,99% exp 2,7m skill points left.150m gold.2avatars,Weapon sun staf +5 13d ,set 12d magic and accesories.Grab-Loot pet with ~50days left.
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  2. OP
    Gergő Gál

    Gergő Gál
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  3. OP
    Raimis Gud

    Raimis Gud
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