Hey all I sell my accounts on silkroad online All 3 account have no set no weapon all clean 1 lvl 113 Euro char server Cetus BARONET 3.31M SP Skills And INT/STR can u take self also he have no one skill and no set any to STR or Int u can make it self from lvl 0ne lvl 100FF for lvl 100 account china on server Babel 1MSP No int no str no one skill can make to all self NPC set lvl 100 FF for lvl 100 Account 1.2M SP CHINA server the account have to no skills no STR no INT can make all self to for any questions pm me pls i have no silkroad more on my PC i can log in i Have Screenshots from all 3 Accounts If you need it Make Any Offer if u need can u make offer Trade account