Selling  High End Dragon Mania Legends account lvl 160 VIP 13

Discussion in 'Dragon Mania Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tom Knox, 9/2/22.

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  1. Tom Knox

    Tom Knox
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    Dragon Mania Legends account + lvl 12 clan* for sale:

    Account level 160 (maximum)
    VIP level 13
    446 unique dragons (ancient: 1, divine: 2, boss: 3, legendary: 60 epic: 228 and others)
    715 gems
    629 M gold
    178 habitats (mostly legendary ones, 75 at lvl 2)
    All islands except for Gem and Molten.

    best 3 dragons:
    -> loki (divine) lvl 120, skills lvl: 6, best sigil: epic (witchcraft), max enchantment lvl
    -> ik'ez (ancient) lvl 120, skills lvl: 6, best sigil: epic (havoc), max enchantment lvl
    -> guan di (legendary) lvl 120, skills lvl: 6, best sigil: epic (purity), max enchantment lvl

    Hatchery lvl 3 (3 nests available)
    All temples at lvl 5 (maximum)
    Ruin lvl 11 (maximum)
    Chronosian seals lvl 5 (maximum)
    Lots of friends (1.19 M Friendship points)

    This account has been developed for the last 4 years. Free facebook. account connected with the game account.

    *currently there is no other players in the clan (status: closed). It was created to access the clan events.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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