Selling 60 Warrior: Full Tank/DPS Core : 500+ PA Lvl :...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/18/13.

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  1. Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    60 Warrior: Full Tank/DPS Core : 500+ PA Lvl : Purple Level Loyalty : 300 NA Level 60 Warrior: Tank / DPS Spec Raid Ready! 2k plat 3rd tier loyal! Rift is an awesome game. I just don't have the time to play as a new career has started for me. There are more to this character than described so please don't hesitate to ask me questions. As the title suggests I am selling my account that includes the following: General Level: 60 Female Bahmi Warrior Attunment Points: 500+ points Torvan Rep: Venerated Lycini Rep: Venerated Storm Legion Account Collector's Edition Vanilla Rift Account Loyalty: Purple (3rd Tier) Character Utilities Mount : Armored Black Ursin: 150% 6 other mounts 8 role slots 6 bag slots 2,000 Plat with 3k+ worth of items in bag 301 runecrafting 300 mining Tank Spec: 425 hit (no runes) 400 toughness (no runes) tank core: 5/5 50k Health DPS Spec: 472 hit (with runes) dps core: blues 15k DPS on Raid boss dummy (61 RB Spec and 61 Paragon) Screen shots will be emailed to serious inquiries. Thanks! Buyout: $300 This is an NA account and I am willing to bargain to 250 if payment is received via email money transfer.
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