Selling Rogue 60 SL + Raid Gear + Purple tier cs loyalty...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/18/13.

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  1. Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Rogue 60 SL + Raid Gear + Purple tier cs loyalty - najlepszy darmowy hosting zdj?? i obrazków! - najlepszy darmowy hosting zdj?? i obrazków! - najlepszy darmowy hosting zdj?? i obrazków! - najlepszy darmowy hosting zdj?? i obrazków! Lvl 60 (pvp rank 51) spcial teleport items 420 + PA 8 souls all bags 10+ mounts 15+ companions 4 parts of Raid gear Tscain crystals few warderobe sets 180+ patron status days purple tier of cs (i bought items from cs by 300 euro) trovan & lycyni venerated 3x 375 craft 7k+ frozen eclipse marks 2k+ plat DPS ON RAID: 14-15k and a lot moreeee account is worth more than 500 euro. Im also adding Loyalty gaining guide, this account is already on way to maxed loyalty. (dont need spend any more money. just time) Any offers? Prefer paypal
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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