Selling WTS Defiant Lvl 60 Cleric *LOTS OF TIME INVESTED*...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Robert Tillson, 12/14/13.

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  1. Robert Tillson

    Robert Tillson
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    WTS Defiant Lvl 60 Cleric *LOTS OF TIME INVESTED* Selling lvl 60 Cleric. Account stats are as followed: 110,000 loyalty into Blue Tier, over 1000 platinum and credits. Hundreds of items in bank. Storm Legion Souls included. Full Freelancer pvp gear. Ranked 68 prestige. Has tons of marks associated with PvP and PvE. Tier 1 raid Ready. I am in a lvl 24 guild with over 100 active members. Over 10 Dimensions. 5 Bag slots with 28 and 32 slot bags. Alts included are 45 rogue, 35 mage, and 30 warrior. I have lots of time and money invested into this account, but my job situation doesnt allow me to play anymore. If you are interested plz email me at [email protected] Im asking a low price of $150.00 which isnt much considering what i have invested
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  2. OP
    Patrick Kerby

    Patrick Kerby
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    [email protected] I'll take it off your hands for 15 if you ever get tired of waiting but gotta use Google wallet
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