Selling Selling RIFT account with 6 level 60's all geared...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jd Allen, 5/2/14.

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  1. Jd Allen

    Jd Allen
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    Selling RIFT account with 6 level 60's all geared out. Rogue DPS geared for T2 PvE content with all reps maxed 520 Hit 17k DPS self buffed as Ranger spec, 80k HP as Tank also has two Relic Cape CDs with almost every recipe in the game other than unmentioned Relic Capes (Rogue DPS & Rogue Tank capes); Rogue PvP geared with full Warlord (Rank 79); Warr DPS geared for PvP (with some PvE 470 Hit but mixed with PvP gear using T1 Synergy crystal); Mage geared for both PvE & PvP, T2 geared 520 Hit, PvP geared with mostly Warlord, some Freelancer (R72); Two 60 Clerics, only one is geared for Raiding, the other is a crafter > Geared cleric is 62k HP as tank give or take and 460+ - Hit as DPS/Healer; then some alts, 12 chars in total on Deepwood shard. Many mounts on all toons, all but one I believe have 150% mount speeds. Both PvE Rogue & Mage have Torvan Essences, with more to be gotten easily on the other toons. Message me if interested, would like Screenshots or need more info. = ]
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