Selling Selling Rift account: No verifiable locks Loyalty...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Geral Bird, 7/29/14.

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  1. Geral Bird

    Geral Bird
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    Selling Rift account: No verifiable locks Loyalty into Black Tier atm: Many store bought Items and gear and weapons over the year Hailol server Patron is on Month to Month will cancel sub when offer is made Dream soul pack and Storm Legion pack all on account Defiance and Limited edition paid for already on account Advanced Hair color packages paid for on account - All roles on char are set to most possible dps, heal, support, or tank spec according to 2.7 update atm. You can change if preferred after Lvl 60 Warrior (Main) T1/T2 geared -lots of wardrobe options with excellent collors -currently in Torvan / Lycini rep to glorified -Lots of mounts earned and store bought -Lots of Companions -some plat is left on the character Lvl 60 Rouge (New 60) - ability to run SLE dungeons - Nice wardrobe with excellent colors - Nice mounts/companions Lvl 59 Cleric (close to 60) a couple of other character are on the account as well as low lvls for storing items. All patron bonuses are currently active any items on account with all characters are all included. Main character is prestige lvl 75 in full warlord atm Please email me at [email protected] if interested Taking only serious offers through verified paypal. Will not take less then $300 as the account has well over 300 put into it + the time worked on it.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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