Selling WTS 60 Rogue dps/tank/bard RAID RDY, 60 Cleric...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jorge Aston, 2/10/15.

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  1. Jorge Aston

    Jorge Aston
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    WTS 60 Rogue dps/tank/bard RAID RDY, 60 Cleric tank/dps RAID RDY, 52 Warrior Not enough time to play like I would want to, so its time to pass it to someone that will love it more. Currently taking offers for a lvl 60 raid ready rogue and cleric. The account is as is and rdy to play today, has mucho mats and what-knots in the bank Rogue 60 Defiant Full epic dps/bard gear * Pulls about 12-14k dps in raids and experts * Fully upgraded expert dungeon gear, w/ a Touch of Agony from TDQ (last boss upgrades to relic) * Many of the of the end game enchants on gear * 54k health as a tank able to tank experts and TDQ with ease. She has most all expert dungeon gear with a few pieces of epic dungeon drops * Not to far from revered with Torvan.... about 2-3 more SH should do the trick * Purple Tier Loyalty rewards * Hellbug mount, Black tiger mount * Lots of mats in her bank * Outfitter 375/375 all the leather wearing patterns, cloth belt, and most augments ( the ones that matter anyway ) what I don't have I have the marks to get. * Foraging 375/375 Cleric 60 Defiant * Dps gear pulls in the high 9k-12k single target in raids and experts * Fully Upgraded expert dungeon Tank gear, Needs only a seal, neck and trinket. (which are expert blue grade gear atm) * Purple Tier Loyalty rewards pm me offer
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