Selling WTS Rift account. Account has a lvl 65 warrior...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Brian Reed, 9/23/15.

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  1. Brian Reed

    Brian Reed
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    WTS Rift account. Account has a lvl 65 warrior raid ready. A level 65 Rogue raid ready. A lvl 65 Mage raid ready. A lvl 60 cleric. Max planar attunement, Storm Legion souls, Dream Souls, Nightmare Tide edition with planar and earring slots, a lot of lvl 25 minions with every minion slot opened and 155% max speed mounts on all toons. Comes with 800 platinum. almost orange tier loyalty. This account is a deal for $50. paypal Can use middleman service
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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