Sold Selling main account 1475 deathblade, lost ark - steam.

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by /u/Brilliant_Split7706, 9/1/22.

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  1. /u/Brilliant_Split7706

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    A bit of information, message me on discord if any questions/need of photos:

    Server: Rethramis EU west

    Deathblade 1475 - lvl 7 damage gems, lvl 7+6+5 cd gems - tripods lvl 3-5 - currently surge 3*4, setup for pvp and remaining energy as well

    Paladin 1400 - enough leaps to push to 1415 if not further

    Gunslinger 1370 - enough leaps to push to 1400 if not further

    Sorc 1100 - ready to transition into t3

    There is a lot of materails and gold/silver etc on the account.

    Adventure tome and rapport/collectibles: - 80perc+ on all adventure tomes, two are ready for 100 percent if some collectibles etc are delivered - rapport almost done in punika + multiple other areas - almost all mokokoseeds - almost all giant hearts - missing only moake omnium star, the rest have been collected

    Message me for more specific information, i can stream the account on discord/send pictures.

    Send me a PM or add me me on discord: Bell#9134

    # #/Brilliant_Split7706
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