WTS: Rift Collectors Edition - active account. *look inside*

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift, 10/1/13.

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  1. Rift

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    Selling my rift account. Its a fun game but my 5 year old # struggles with doing anything other than solo questing, even on lowest video settings. accepting paypal gift You pay fees if wanted. Here is a screenshot showing the account is active, renewal date June 14th. Snarebrush PvP - Guardian approx 75 platinum spread between 3 characters. list of characters on server slh5.googleusercontent/_N..#%20toons.jpg 44 clerics currencies screenshot, 876 artisan marks unspent and ready to buy rare recipes of your choosing. slh5.googleusercontent/_N..#%20toons.jpg 44 clerics soul window showing 4 separate roles were purchased. slh6.googleusercontent/_N...m%204roles.jpg 44 clerics profession window, showing: 270/300 master apothecary, 294/300 Master Artificer, and 280/300 Master Runecrafter. slh5.googleusercontent/_N...m%20skills.jpg 29 mage skills, and you can verify the plat on bottom right. slh5.googleusercontent/_N...offessions.jpg 10 warrior, you can verify plat in this photo. slh4.googleusercontent/_N...currencies.jpg Wolfsbane Server - Defiants approx 49 platinum split between characters list of characters slh4.googleusercontent/_N...ne%20toons.jpg 17 rogue, you can verify plat in this photo slh5.googleusercontent/_N...currencies.jpg 11 cleric, you can verify platinum in photo slh4.googleusercontent/_N...currencies.jpg please reply to this thread or pm me at these forums if interested. Thank you all pictures were taken today as of this posting. I may still play this game so some of the details may change such as levels or coin. by replying to this request, you are agreeing that you are not a part of or affiliated with Trion Worlds, Inc.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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