Selling  Europe     Original Owner (Yes) [60AR]EUROPE. PC. Personal account. Iter .51 legendary Tartaglia C6 . Info in description.

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by kava4, 8/21/22.

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  1. kava4

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    WTS personal account AR 60 EU
    We can easily agree on a NORMAL price in the chat. ╰(▔∀▔)╯
    Proofs and bank statements confirming my ownership are given upon additional requests in the chat.
    Additional questions are also in the chat.

    Tartaglia C6, Ganyu C2, Diluc C3, Keging C2, Jean C2, Albedo C0, Shenhe C0, QiQi C0, Zhongli C0, Venti C0, NEW Mona C1, NEW Arataki Itto C0 (28)

    5 ⭐ WEAPON:
    Memory of Dust R5, Skyward Harp R5, Memory of Dust R2, Polar Star R2, Wolf's Gravestone R1, Skyward Blade R1, Skyward Spine R1, Elegy for the End R2, Redhorn Stonethresher R2, NEW Aquila Favonia R1, NEW The Unforged R1 (23)

    4⭐ CHARACTERS: Noelle C6, Ningguang C6, Diona C6, Fischl C6, Yanfei C6, Barbara C6, Sucrose C6, Xiangling C6, Beidou C6, Chongyun C6, Xingqiu C6, Yun Jin C6, Bennett C5+1, Kaeya C6, Xinyan C6, UPD Razor C6, Rosaria C6, Kujou Sara C3, Amber C4, UPD Sayu C2, Kuki Shinobu C2(new), Gorou C2(new), Thoma C1, Aloy CO

    4⭐ WEAPON: Rust R5 x2, The Stringless R5, Dodoco Tales R5, Prototype Amber R5, Serpent Spine R5(BP), Favonius Sword R5, Whiteblind R5, Festering Desire R5, Favonius Lance R5 x2, The Flute R5 x2, Eye of Perception R5 x2, Prototype Rancour R5, Windblume Ode R5, "The Catch" R5, Luxurious Sea-Lord R5, Crescent Pike R5, Rainslasher R5, Akuoumaru R5, Sacrificial Bow R5, Sacrificial Fragments R5, Sacrificial Sword R5, Solar Pearl R5(BP), Favonius Codex R5, Favonius Greatsword R5, Favonius Warbow R5, The Widsith R5, Hakushin Ring R4 > UPD R5, Hamayumi R5, Sacrificial Greatsword R5, The Bell R5, The Black Sword R1(BP), The Viridescent Hunt R1(BP), Mouun's Moon R2,Wavebreaker's Fin R3, Cinnabar Spindle R5, Mitternachts Waltz R4, Dragons Bane R3>UPD R5, The Alley Flash R2,Deathmatch R3(BP)
    BP - Battle pass

    on average, one legendary costs 60+ dollars in the game. There are 51 on the account, in addition, more than 1.5 year of work has been invested in them.
    This is a great account

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. kimmyemii

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    High Risk Status: User has been flagged by the system for one or more reasons. Proceed with caution.

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    hello im interested to your account ,i want ask more details and picture can you contact me dc ? yummmg#0423

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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