TERA North America -Account Details- Server - Ascension Valley (8 Character Slots) [All 4 Bank Tabs unlocked] Account Mounts: EX-TRM Characters: Slayer lvl 65 - Castanic Female Reaper lvl 58 - Elin Gunner lvl 58 - Castanic Female Berzerker lvl 43 - Elin Lancer lvl 17 - Elin Server - Highwatch Characters: Warrior lvl 59 - Castanic Male Server - Mount Tyrannas Characters: Berzerker lvl 58 - Aman Male __________________________________________________________________________ Ascension Valley: Slayer lvl 65 Castanic Female -Gear- -Accessories- Fire Trill Earring Deathwise Cascade (Earring) Firetrill Band Deathwise Band Deathwise Necklace Quickcarve Brooch Saitan Intimates Renegade Belt -Inventory- -Honorable Mentions- (Cash Items) -Weapon Skins- -Ice Grip -Hell Razor -Vesel's Folly -Blizzat's Doom -Odachi Greatsword -Nodachi Greatsword -Prismatronic Greatsword -Shadowlaced Straightrazor -Celestial Spirit Greatsword -Costumes- -Castanic Female House Keeper Uniform -Castanic Female Winter Orchid Dress -Castanic Female Watered Silk Dress -Castanic Female Personalized Night Shift Scrubs -Castanic Female Dyeable Asian Silk Dress -Dyable Castanic Female Bleachstringer -Castanic Female Santa Suit -Castanic Female Police BDU -Frosty Mantle of Indifference !!!BLUE ANGLE HALO!!! (Exclusive Limited Edition Item) -Mounts- -Cinder -Jadeheart Other mentions -Has around 800 fasion coupons -Silver Laurel -Around 50,000 Gold worth in tradeable items This was my main character. My other characters don't have much, the lvl 17 Elin Lancer has 1 Costume, and 1 Weapon Skin And the 59 Warrior in Highwatch has a Ice Skin with a couple Costumes. Mainly if you're interested in buying this, its mainly for the 65 Slayer I've spent well over $1000 on this account but I have decided that my time playing this game is over. I'm looking for decent offers.