Account Details and Screenshots are below User Name : JE16WICKS Rank : Lieutenant Colonel (500 713 / 527 000) Crystals : 24 389 Turrets FireBird ---- MK4-0 Freeze ----Mk1-8 Isida ----Mk4-4 Thunder ----Mk4-1 Hammer ---- Mk2-0 Twins ----Mk4-3 Ricochet ----Mk5-5 Shaft ----Mk1-6 Smoky ----Mk3-1 Striker ----Mk1-0 Vulcan ----Mk1-3 Railgun ----Mk3-4 Hulls Wasp ----Mk3-3 Honet ----Mk3-2 Viking ----Mk3-9 Titan ----Mk2-2 Dictator ----Mk3-4 Mammoth ----Mk2-0 Hunter ----Mk2-3 With 10 Paints Supplies Repair Kit ----100 Boosted Armor ----194 Boosted Damage ----214 Speed Boost ----221 Mine ----80 Battery ----7 Contant me Email : [email protected] Whatsapp : +94 71 6554962 Discord : REAPER_VO#1866 - Paypal available