Sold K32 - 150M Power - R3 in #1 Alliance - s1064

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jemyni, 8/24/22.

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  1. Jemyni

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    I have too much going on in my life right now to keep up with this game. Looking to sell for $600 or best offer.

    See attached images to get an idea of the account (hopefully they're helpful). But let me know if you need anymore information!

    K32 - Monarch Lv.30 - Duke rank - VIP 12 - 150M Power, 5.5M Tech.
    Over 3M troops total with 750k T12 Cav.
    Collected quite a hefty few Historic Gold generals, but the mains I've been using are Martinus and Aethelflaed. Others include: George Dewey, Basil II, Carus, Washington, Leo III, Lysander, Kaguya, Soult, Petronas, Jindeok, Shajar.
    Unlocked Lv.7 Fafnir.
    Unlocked Lv.7 Bird of Hurricane and Lv.3 Pegasus.
    Lots of unopened chests and things, because I just can't be effed to go through them all.
    Lots of Gold chests to be opened.
    Various speedups for days... months... dunno about years... but there is a LOT.
    Subcities aren't great, but got 8 of them: Europe and China. Europe, Arabia and Japan. Europe, Europe and Japan.

    This account is in the #1 alliance on the server, if that matters. It's very active. They're always doing rallies and battlefield whatnots. The entire server does prep and plan for SvS as well. Both the server and alliance have Discord servers, if that's of any interest.

    I'm a quiet player with no ties or friendships (that I know of), so your integration into this account/server should go smoothly.


    Screenshot_20220824-152705_Evony.jpg Screenshot_20220824-152844_Evony.jpg Screenshot_20220824-152938_Evony.jpg Screenshot_20220824-153052_Evony.jpg Screenshot_20220824-153116_Evony.jpg Screenshot_20220824-153220_Evony.jpg Screenshot_20220824-153236_Evony.jpg Screenshot_20220824-153259_Evony.jpg Screenshot_20220824-153313_Evony.jpg Screenshot_20220824-153338_Evony.jpg Screenshot_20220824-153439_Evony.jpg
    #1 Jemyni, 8/24/22
    Last edited: 8/27/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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