Selling [SOLD] Level 30 LoL Account NA region. Has a LOT...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    [SOLD] Level 30 LoL Account NA region. Has a LOT of champions: Has a bunch of skins; might have missed a couple when I was writing this up, but includes atleast: Goth Annie Mr Mundoverse Corporate Mundo Bandito Fiddlesticks Sanguine Garen Dreadknight Garen Hillbilly Gragas Vandal Jax Judgment Kayle Shamrock Malphite Coral Reef Malphite Dragon Knight Mordekaiser Grungy Nunu Myrmidon Pantheon Perseus Pantheon Frozen Shen Yellow Jacket Shen Hextech Sion Barbarian Sion King Tryndamere Count Vladimir Viscero Xin Zhao Hasn't really been played since April 2011, has 650ish normal wins, nothing ranked. 776 riot points and 22641 IP left on the account. Has 11 rune pages. If there's anything else you want to know, feel free to ask. Post here before contacting, AIM is located on the side, if you don't have decent rep be prepared to pay through WU first. WTB: LOOKING FOR 1900+ rated account on NA, TRUSTED BUYER !! As title says im looking for an acc in platinum range on the NA servers, it should have a good collection of top lane and jungle champions, with runepages to match them, thats all that matters. Pm me with your offers. WTS League ACC cheap has 24 champs 1 skin (olaf) 3 rune pages Title pretty much explains it all it is a level account with 23 champions it has 3 rune pages (tank,ad carry,ap) and it is unranked. Champs are: Yi Ryze Sivir Pantheon Alistar Amumu Annie Ashe Dr Mundo Eve Ezreal Galio Garen Kayle Nocturn Nunu Olaf Poppy Rammus Singed Sivir Swain Trist Tryndamere if interested please reply here first and then add me on to talk about arrangement and pricing. name is langponyo. WTB: Fresh EUW account! Lvl 30, preferably good skins & runes. Pretty much everything, PM me or write below this text your and i'll come back at you. WTB: WTB LEAGUE OF LEGENDS NA ACCOUNT IN 1300-1500 elo range, plenty of champs As title says im looking for an NA league of legends account in the 1250-1500 elo range, it needs to have plenty of champs with most ad carries....
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