Selling League of Legends Account for Sale I am the...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    League of Legends Account for Sale I am the original owner of this account ! 9 rune pages. 544 RP available to use. 3.8k IP available to use. SILVER DIVISION ONE. Number of champions: 72. Number of runes: 121 Marks: 36 Seal: 38 Glyph: 27 Quintessence: 20 THE LIST OF SKINS: professor ryze rocket girl tristana shamrock malphite nottingham ezreal blacksmith poppy kingpin twitch highlander tryndamere hextech sion badger teemo sonoran kog'maw sasquatch nunu scuba gragas red riding annie mr. mundoverse spectacular sivir atlantean fizz asylum shaco surprise party fiddlesticks super teemo crycore brand ravager nocturne blood moon shen frostfire annie cottontail teemo samurai yi surgeon shen lil slugger trundle astronaut teemo caterpillar kog'maw pentakill mordekaiser king tryndamere recon teemo veigar greybeard galactic nasus deep one kassadin pharaoh amumu goth annie red riding annie frostfire annie victorious janna judgement kayle sonar kog'maw
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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