Selling League of Legends Account for Sale My account has...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    League of Legends Account for Sale My account has the following skins: firefox ahri stinger akali black alistar pharoah amumu bird of prey anivia goth annie frostfire annie sherwood forest ashe boom boom blitz safari caitlyn nightmare cho [battlecast prime cho (legendary) ufo corki mr mundoverse shadow evelynn pulsefire ezreal (super legendary) spectral fiddlesticks enchanted galio special forces gangplank spooky gangplank sanguine garen gragas, Esq. blast zone heimerdinger nightblade irelia tempest janna victorious janna victorious jarvan IV vandal jax traditional karma phantom karthus deep one kassadin viridian kayle judgement kayle swamp master kennen artic ops kennen sonoran kog'maw prestigious leblanc traditional lee sin muay thai lee sin iron solari leona sorceress lux shamrock malphite totemic maokai assassin master yi dragon knight mordekaiser exiled morgana galactic nasus riot k-9 nasus (very rare) subterranean nautilus french maid nidalee ravanger nocturne sasquatch nunu brolaf* perseus pantheon noxus poppy scarlet hammer poppy king rammus (super rare beta skin) chrome rammus outback renekton championship riven rumble in the jungle tribal ryze royal shaco yellow jacket shen ironscale shyvana surfer singed hextech sion spectacular sivir arcade sona dryad soraka emerald taric badger teemo riot girl tristana traditional trundle highland tryndamere jack of hearts twisted fate kingpin twitch black belt udyr butcher urgot aristocrat vayne leprechaun veigar count vladimir urf the manatee (super rare skin tundra hunter warwick jade dragon wukong battlecast xerath imperial xin zhao time machine zilean. has many rare skins from beta, and 2 legendary skins also themed pulsfire ezreal skin. with 12k ip has 14 rune pages with every rune needed to play competitively, gold since season 1, i am the original owner so pm for any questions. looking for $2500 obo
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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