Selling  Rating 1000k+  Android 1.5M Million Hero Rating. 10,8 Prestige. 41x6 (2R3-8R2), 129x5 (30R5), 4000 Runes. Many crystals

Discussion in 'Marvel Contest of Champions Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by inge3256, 8/21/22.

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  1. inge3256

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    My Location:
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    Title: Knight
    Return level: 60
    Account Status: No BAN
    Total fighters: 710
    Total base power: 1,504,508
    Prestige: 10,802
    41 Fighters of 6* (2R3 - Duplicate Silver Surfer and Guillotine 2099, 8R2 - Doctor Doom, Duplicate Mephisto, Duplicate YellowJacket, Mystery, Nick Fury, Sorceress Supreme, Dragon Man, Sapo)
    129 5* Fighters (30R5 - 6R4)
    R4 Basic Crystals, R4 Crystals of all classes, Full filled and to open. Objects, resources and power-ups in quantity.
    1.4 million gold, 750,000 alliance credits, 4000 runes, 4000 Glory, 1000 ISO.
    Member in Alizana Gold 3
    Access key is delivered to the kabam account
    Key of the e-mail associated with the kabam account is delivered
    1.jpeg 2.jpeg 3.jpeg 4.jpeg 5.jpeg 6.jpeg 7.jpeg 8.jpeg 9.jpeg 10.jpeg
    #1 inge3256, 8/21/22
    Last edited: 8/21/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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