Selling WTS Cheap GW Gold。LOW price with huge stock!...

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Guild Wars Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/2/13.

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  1. Guild Wars Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS Cheap GW Gold。LOW price with huge stock! Cheap GW Gold ,fast cdkeys for various of games(10-30 minutes)--Good Feedback Hello ,everyone I am [],we have XX gold on every server, we can also provide various kind of cdkeys, more details ,please visit our website ,[][ if you have more questions ,please be free to contact us :game_sale@ Website: (if you have questions ,please click livechat to talk with us on our site ) WTS Globs of ectoplasm. 100 ectos = 10 euros. 100 ectos = 10 euros. Can provide up to 1000 ectos. Contact me at jadura @ DOT WTT WoW Acc for GW ectos/plat I'm looking to trade my wow account for gw ectos/plat. I'm not exactly positive on the characters on the account but I do have a decked out close to 9000 achievement point 85 war, 83/84 Death Knight, 83 Hunter, ~70 mage and possibly another 80. Tons of extras, armor sets, etc. Around 30-40k gold is on the account. There is no time card on it at the moment, but if you are interested I can tell you the names of chars so you can take a peak. I'm looking for lots of ectos. Let me know here. Thanks! Edit: also around eighty mounts, something around one hundred pets, half a legendary weapon, and numerous maxed professions across a bunch of characters including jewel crafting, blacksmith, enchanting, mining, skinning, leather working and others. Very valuable account with a lot of time and effort put in. WTT Gw All Xpan High End Weapons Looking to trade my Gw account for a Warhammer online account, but will take other offers too. Includes: 120k ish in gold 265e 7 lvl 20 Rp Chars 1. Warrior - Elite Sunspear Armor, Crystalline Sword, Tormented Sheild 2. Paragon - Monument Armor, Q9 Voltaic Spear, Tormented Sheild 3. Dervish - Vabbian Armor, Chaos Gloves, Tormented 4. Monk - Monument Armor, Zodiac Staff 5. Assassin - Elite Luxon Armor, Dragon Kamas 6, Ranger - Dwarven Armor, Hierophant Bow, Zodiac Bow, Celestial Bow 7, Mesmer - Working on survivor, Froggy Scepter, Celestial Compass. 8th...
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