Selling  FiveM: Selling server Dumps

Discussion in 'FiveM Scripts Mods Servers For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by DonaldDickson, 8/16/22.

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  1. DonaldDickson

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    My Location:
    If you want to know places like a weed harvest location you can find it in the files like (esx_drugs, config). To get these locations you need to have a server dump. A dump downloads all the client-sided files and puts it in a folder.

    You can place an order with me, I will join the server (not whitelisted) and dump these files, I will then sell this dump for a low price (depending on what server) using prohibited, I will upload all the files to a google drive, post the link on my store and you will be able to buy it.

    Please join our server if you want to order:
    If the link does not work add my privately : Mantje#9988
    Or let me know in this Thread.

    The prohibited link: https://fivemdumps.Prohibited/

    I can also find a way to get money on the specific server, this can sometimes not be done because of good anti-cheats.
    We can discuss price on discord, price depends on server economy.

    I have dumped server like:
    NoPixel, AstralRP, CitylifeRP, Baylife and many more! These are already in my store, you can ask me to update these whenever you like.
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