Sold Im selling my swtor account 4 chars 55 level but...

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dimitris Markopoulos, 2/11/15.

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  1. Dimitris Markopoulos

    Dimitris Markopoulos
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    im selling my swtor account 4 chars 55 level but literally they are 56 level ( their exp bar are full til the end ) . OPERATIVE - MARAUDER - Sorcerer - MERCENARY . -------------------------------- OPERATIVE - ITEM LEVEL 172 , HK -51 AND TREK COMPANIONS INCLUDED AND UPGRADED TO 172 ALSO . MERCENARY 172 ITEM LEVEL AND HK -51 INCLUDED . MARAUDER 162 , VALOR 84 , HK-51 IN PROGRESS , MERCENARY 172 ITEM LEVEL , HK-51 ALSO , SORCERER , 162 LEVEL , HK-51 IN PROGRESS . CARTEL POINTS 1170 - OVER 8.000.000 CREDITS . MARAUDER HAVE BIONALYSIS - DIPLOMACY , AND BIO 400+. ----------------------------------- Most of the Important perCs OF EACH CHAR , ARE UNLOCKED , AND SOME GLOBAL ALSO UNLOCK . HUT EXP ALSO INCLUDING - BELSAVIS ZONE X ALSO UNLOCKED. ALSO COMMANDO 40 LEVEL - GUNSLINGER 38 LEVEL- Assassin 47 - JEDI SENTINEL 15 LEVEL . pilot rank 3 for the speeders etc things . many quick slots , cargo bays ( marauder have 4 ) Titles . Also many items to sell . European pvp server . Legacy 47 level . Only series proposes plz - Thanks everyone. u can contact me via [email protected]
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